Welcome to the Morton Heritage Blog

This blog will document the ancestry of the Mortons of Moore County, Texas all the way back to 17th Century England. For privacy sake, we will not document anyone born after the turn of the 20th Century. Although eventually we may branch out, for now I would like to limit the blog to the direct Morton ancestors, their spouses, and siblings. Please feel free to leave comments if you have any other stories or information. Every Ancestor considered official by this blog must have independent verification beyond inclusion in someone else's family tree therefore evidence such as census or marriage records will be provided. Since we have become so scattered I thought this would be a good way to help remember where we come from and help us teach our kids what ties us together.

John Morton c1650 -c1720 and Joanne Hughes Wade c1655-?

I have four sources for the marriage of John Morton to Joanne Anes Hughes Wade. Three of the citations come from Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.

Source# 2610.038 Lists John Morton birth place: England, birth year: 16?? spouse name: Joanne Hughes Wade, spouse birth place: England, marriage state: VA

Source# 1045.000 Lists Joanne Hughes birth year: 1660, spouse name: John Morton, spouse birth year: 1655, marriage year: 1682, marriage state: VA

Source# 1267.000 Lists John Morton birth place: England, birth year 1650, spouse name Joanne Anes Hughes

The fourth source is Annals of Henrico Parish, Diocese of Virginia, 1611-1884. Lewis W. Burton, a rector of St. John's Church, compiled the records of this parish at the request of the Bishop in 1904. -ancestry.com

Detail: Marriage Record
Date: 1682
Actual text: 1682 Name: John Morton to John Wade 's widow.

I am confident that the Marriage year is 1682 and the birth years are either 1650 or 1655 for John and 1655 or 1660 for Joanne.

These have been the most difficult to find information on as the above records are the most reliable I've found apart from the William and Mary College Quarterly. Vol. III. There are many family trees on Ancestry.com with the couple listed but they all most likely passed inaccurate information around all from the same source. There are two summaries of the family on ancestry but they contain information from two different John Mortons. One of Henrico from Warwickshire and one of Richmond from Kent. Most of the trees that contain John Morton use information from both men so I am trying to sort this out to the correct one. Ours for sure lived in Henrico County, VA. This is why I had Joanne listed as Deborah Joanne for a long time. It was changed when I came to the conclusion that Deborah was the wife of the Richmond John Morton. I may be changing more information as I settle on what I think is the most accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jared,
    Do you have nay other information on Deborah, wife of John Morton, of Richmond? Patti Andrews: moteandrewsjr@gmail.com
